Saturday, September 24, 2011

Unfriendly Friendship

My childish fire trying to ridicule me lately. Simply, it's trying to say that we can't find professionalism in brotherhood.  There are too many "flexibilities" in which professionalism hates although professionalism not saying that it's rigid, better yet there is brotherhood in professionalism world. Perhaps, I am the most-in-charge-person in this project, so makes me put high expectation there, wanting all perfect, and unfortunately I can't find it (yet). Everybody in this brotherhood knows what we are doing, the purposes, and clearly understand what is the must to do. But, why it's too difficult to do? Do we have to rethink is it still worthy to keep having the brotherhood or keep struggling for this project? Is it good time to ask that questions while some other are very optimistic and doing their best?

Do we still need something wasted: brotherhood without work which can give something for others, humanity like what life is?

I am -not only- mumbling in this tiring moment like, I'm trying do the best we can. If this problem is fully management fault and it's about me, I'll hardly try to give my best more. But how do I know if I'm like living alone in the middle of zombies, never talk, have an evaluation, sharing about each feeling and thought about us? If is it true, now this friendship go unfriendly, how pity the human being story is. Friendship without friendly, human without humanity.

Like what we've already known, the goal of this project is waiting for our professionalism and our max. Professionalism from brotherhood will be something great for us, our brotherhood not only as long as laugh, chit-chat, go, eat drink and smoke together. It will be a worst nightmare if this brotherhood wasted.

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